Phone: 707.509.0480
Email: pryfogle@cxeffect.com
Andrew Pryfogle is founder and CEO of CX Effect, a technology outfitter that focuses exclusively on customer experience.
A serial entrepreneur with several successful exits, Pryfogle has built a reputation as an innovator, advocate and sales leader for technology solutions that strengthen companies and make life better for customers.
He was a pioneer in cloud telephony. Before most leaders, Pryfogle saw how the cloud would open immense opportunities for the agent channel.
With CX Effect, he has quickly positioned the company as the go-to-market solution for disruptive technology suppliers, leveraging a community of top CX sellers to help organizations map solutions and gear up for digital transformation.
Previously, Pryfogle served as chief market development officer at Pax8, with responsibility for partner education and launching the firm’s co-managed IT initiative into the agent channel.
A sought-after speaker and thought leader on all things CX and cloud, Pryfogle founded Cloud Services University and Super9, the channel’s leading source for cloud sales education with over 5,000 registrants.
As Intelisys’ senior vice president for cloud transformation, Pryfogle grew annual cloud billings from $2 million to $400 million in seven years, gaining 82 percent of Intelisys’ cloud wins through Cloud Service University attendees.
CX Effect is not Pryfogle’s first entrepreneurial endeavor. He founded Terrapin Solutions and its Cloud Services Coalition in 2008 and sold the firm four years later to Intelisys. He and his wife, Susie, also own an award-winning restaurant, Tips Roadside, located in Kenwood, Calif., in the heart of Sonoma Valley.